This menu lets you control how HyperSnap-DX handles open documents. Release 5 has some slick new features that include a tabbed interface, which you access from the main program window. If you open at least two files (why not do that now?) and then look at the bottom of the window, you'll see tabs showing the filenames of each open file.
To work on one of the open files, click the tab corresponding to the file you wish to process. The contents of HyperSnap-DX's workspace will change to show you the new file. This way you can quickly jump between multiple open files. You may also use the standard Windows "switch documents" function keys of CTRL+TAB, too. Pressing CTRL+F4 closes the current file.
Window arrangement items include Cascade, Tile and Arrange Icons. These should all be self-explanatory even for novice users. Below the divider line is a list of open files, with a checkmark graphic displayed to the left of the file currently being edited or viewed.
At the bottom of the Window menu is a powerful function that allows you to manage large lists of open windows by assigning them into groups. Lets say you have eight windows open, but want to close four of them scattered through the list.
Click on the Windows menu Windows item.
Select the windows you want to close, hold Ctrl key to select more than one at a time.
Click the button that says Close Window(s). Just those four will be closed, leaving the other four files or captures available for editing.
You can use this process to switch to the checked window on a list by hitting Activate (or "bring up" from an icon multiple windows), you can use this to Cascade only the selected windows, or perform any of the listed functions on just the windows you wish to manage.
If you've got a lot of windows open and want to "clear the decks" to clean things up, select all of your open files and then click on Minimize. They'll all be sent to the iconic state within HyperSnap-DX's interface.
Between this and the tabbed window controller on the application workspace, you've got very complete control of your working environment.